Current Market Investment Opportunities – Is Now A Good Time to Buy Land in Colorado?

In the last few months, people around the world have been facing many challenges. Up until now, people often subscribed to an ideal of convenience, where their lives took them to metro areas which were close to highways, schools, hospitals, and their work lives. Recent events have given people pause to reconsider their priorities. With increases in working remotely, online schooling, social distancing, people have begun to take another look at the conveniences that once influenced why they chose to live in crowded cities on top of each other in subdivisions and apartments. Living up close and personal to our neighbors and trudging through the urban landscape doesn’t feel right to many of us anymore. To those of us who call ourselves outdoorsmen, maybe it never did. What people keep calling “the new normal” is often an aggravating, anxiety-producing proposition. This is why a lot of people are chasing their opportunity to change their lives for the better and go for the dream that they have always wanted. A chance at life on their terms, away from the congested cities, rowhouses, duplexes, and all the challenges that come with them.

Head for the hills

Our sales team at Mossy Oak Properties/Colorado Mountain Realty has seen a dramatic increase in activity and sales over the past three months. With so much uncertainty in places with high population densities, rural mountain properties are in high demand. Social distancing isn’t only taking place in the grocery stores, but out in the mountains of Colorado as well. Online communications, distance learning, and improved infrastructure for delivery and freight have given people the support they need to live just as comfortably in more remote areas than ever before.

The New tomorrow

As people adjust to the changes happening in the world, it is likely that Colorado mountain property sales will continue to flourish. Since 1983 Colorado property sales have typically relied on a boom-bust proposition. In the early days, mining, oil, and gas industries, and especially tourism dictated the ways in which communities were built and flourished. One big influence on the sustainability of rural Colorado communities has been the improvement of telecommunications and satellite across the board. Many communities were once too remote to invite people in professions other than these to stay for very long. But times have changed, as well as opportunities for a different kind of growth.

Now is the most opportune time to invest in rural mountain properties for a generous rate of return. As people move out to the country, rural properties are in demand, which at the rates they are going, for now, provide a chance for investment in a rural property, as well as a way for current landowners to make money on the sale of properties that are in demand, or will soon be.

More social distancing

This might be the best thing to come out of”social distancing” since not having someone clipping your heels with their cart in the checkout line at the store. If you are like any other outdoorsman, you already know the benefits and joys of being away from the crowds. Investing in rural properties now still affords you the chance to put as much land between you and your neighbors as is allowed.

For a lot of us, this changing landscape reveals different options to an increasingly frustrating situation. As the old saying goes, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Rather than seeing current events as a negative, it is important to focus on the positives. Owning rural land in Colorado not only gives you a chance to get in on the ground floor of property values that will only increase, but it also gives you a chance to get away from the cities without sacrificing much in terms of convenience. At the moment, it is a very level playing field when it comes to the convenience of living in a city as opposed to being in a rural community, with it possibly being more advantageous to live at the end of a dirt road miles from anyone else.

Is now the time to buy?

If the data from current sales trends are any indication, the answer is yes. At Colorado Mountain Property, we have been helping outdoorsmen, aspiring ranchers, and anyone else who prefers clean mountain air, wide-open spaces, and the songs of birds in the morning and a sky full of stars at night to living in a city. We can help you find a piece of land where you can live out your dreams, whether it is a cabin to get away from it all, or a ranch on a few thousand acres. Many of our properties are adjacent to public lands, giving you not only stunning views, but access to hunting, fishing, boating, and many other outdoor activities. Contact us today to get started!