The West face of Pikes Peak is in view of this finished rustic cabin on 35 acres bordering public lands.
Mountain and valley views from the front deck across the meadow welcome sunrises in the East.
Cabin is wired for solar and electric is also available at lot line. The Cabin is nicely finished with a sleep loft and wood burning stove including bathroom with composting septic system. Nicely treed property with meadow and stunning views make this a great Colorado mountain retreat.
See Video Tourmixed use residential, recreational, timberland35 acre propertyCanon City, CO 81212Fremont Countybearelkmule deerturkeybig gamebird watchinghiking trailsequestrian trailspublic land accessATV trailssquirrelrabbitsmall gamewhitetail deermoose
Canyon Springs Cabin Retreat